How to do Messaging for Multiple ICPs

digital events motion, dark social

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Building a Digital Events Motion ( Goldcast to $8m arr)

The traditional way of running webinars will not cut it for B2B companies going forward.

Pre-recorded webinars miss the most important components to running successful digital events - human connections and real-time feedback.

Palash Soni, the CEO of Golddcast - a B2B event marketing software recently took to the SaaSOpen stage to present on scaling the startup.

In two short years, Goldcast scaled from $2m to $8.2m arr thanks to Palash & team’s calculated digital events motion.

The digital events motion

In the presentation, Palash shared two strategies they are using to fuel their digital events motion and drive multiple six-figure pipeline revenue.

Event series - Goldcast hosts recurring events series targeting personas like VP of event marketing, CMO, and Field Marketers. However there are two catches to these events; don’t pitch your product too much, and being consistent is pivotal.

Digital summits - These are continuous events focused on amplifying the Goldcast products and their use cases.

Palash mentioned 6sense as an example brand capturing demand with digital summits. One of their summits is Talking Sense: Sales Season. 

Demand creation & capture

After hosting the events, Palash shared that they clip the content and repurpose it on LinkedIn.

They recently hosted a KPMG executive and immediately after the call, they shared five content clips which the exec shared two on their LinkedIn profile. The outcome was two six-figure pipeline revenue.

It’s not enough to host the events, but capturing the guest’s audience is one of the best ways to capture demand and continue authority in the category.

Messaging For Multiple ICPs - Anthony Pierri

The notion that you can be everything for everyone is an anti-positioning and it won't work if you are looking to do messaging for multiple ideal customer profiles.

Anthony Pierri is a product marketing expert and partner at FletchPMM. They do messaging for early-stage B2B SaaS businesses.

In a recent conversation with Peep Laja on Wynter Workshops, Anthony shared insights on how businesses do messaging for multiple ICPs.

Before even considering the messaging angle, you have to answer this one question first; Where do you want to play?

This means understanding the competitive landscape through thorough research and compiling competitive intel.

The next step is what Anthony calls Meaningful Viable Positioning (MVP) - the one or town differentiation factor that will help you start climbing the category. The positioning can be from a use case or persona point of view.

The messaging is the vehicle to get your message across to the ICPs. However, when considering multiple ICPs, Anthony advises a couple of ways to do it;

1.Itemizing the homepage into a directory of products grouped by different personas or departments can be an effective approach for multiple target customers.

2.Elevating specific products on the homepage, like Apple does with their new watch, is a form of prioritization that speaks directly to the segment of people they care about.

3.Different products with different use cases may require adjusting messaging to highlight the most important or entry point product for customers.

LinkedIn Content Engine (Dark Social)

Am experiencing the rise of LinkedIn Creators first-hand. A case in point are examples of B2B SaaS companies like RB2B (recently hit $1m arr in 16 weeks) and Clay .com scaling through the LinkedIn content engine.

One way they are executing this is through founder/team-led growth. The founders like Adam Robinson and his team (for example COO Santoshi, Head of Growth) are constantly sharing quality content on LinkedIn to create demand.

The other way is partnering with LinkedIn creators ( for example Clay has agency partners like Liam Dunne) to help build awareness around their product offerings.

LinkedIn as a dark social

I have been listening and learning from Chris Walker on how they execute dark social for growth.

Chris gives a simple definition of dark social as not the channels we focus on but the principle of the content sharing on these channels not directly attributed to revenue.

With the continuous rise of the cost of acquisition (CAC), focusing on dark social is the best bet for B2B companies to scale growth.

For the LinkedIn content engine, founder/team-led growth content has to be at the center. Lemlist has built $26m+ arr primarily using this strategy. However, one core aspect to keep in mind, it’s not about pitching your product but marketing the category to build trust and stay top of mind.

Beyond the quality content, here is what you will need to thrive on LinkedIn

1/ An Engagement List+ playbook - who & how to engage consistently

2/Account-based Connection (ABC) framework - who to connect with

3/ Inbound-led Outbound playbook - how to capture the created demand

I will be sharing more on these frameworks, keep tabs on my LinkedIn profile and in this newsletter.

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God’s speed.
