How to do Founder-led growth

Loomly, Tally, Upekkha, Fullfunnel,

Hello and welcome to 1,2,3 Product Weekly - read by startup founders, creators, and product marketers looking to learn constantly. Support on Patreon and get weekly resources directly in your inbox.

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Here is what to expect in this Saturday’s newsletter:

  • ABM Social Selling on LinkedIn

  • Lessons for SaaS from DTC on product launch

  • Loomly, Upekkha, Tally

1. Inbound 5-figure opportunities on LinkedIn

The Fullfunnel io co-founder Vladimir Blagojević, shared a presentation on Nathan Latka on how to do Account-based marketing (ABM) on LinkedIn.

Vladimir shares his experience on closing a deal that involved speaking to four decision-makers: CFO, Head of Marketing, COO, and CRO, and surprisingly, all mentioned having read his LinkedIn posts.

He was sharing his LinkedIn posts on LinkedIn with one of them and they were sharing it on their Slack community. Termed as Dark Social, but its power is immense.

Vladimir shares an ABM Content Framework to help you close big deals on LinkedIn.

First, when talking about commenting, a line sentence and vague will not cut it. You will need to do more -showcase your thought leadership through helpful commenting.

When creating a LinkedIn post, Vladimir shares a five-step process to go about it.

2. Founder-led growth & On product launch

Greg, Andrew, and Nathan on Founder-led SaaS growth

Am constantly keeping a pulse on the build-in public wave on X (formerly Twitter), and the SaaS founders are doing it differently across social.

While most founders are sharing revenue metrics, others are nailing growth in a couple of ways.

Gren Insenberg does a podcast hosting creators while running his several tech companies. Also, his Twitter content is a great example of founder-led content.

Nathan Latka does it through his podcast which powers Founderpath and Latka SaaS database. Additionally, Nathan recently acquired SaaSOpen - an offline/online events company for Founders doing more than $5m in revenue.

The content Nathan produces gets his company Founderpath in front of potential founders to lend funds without taking equity.

As for Andrew Gazdecki - check his X handle, all about startup acquisition. Andrew is leading in evangelizing for his company Acquired .com.

What SaaS can learn from DTC product launch

I have watched this video from Matthew Encina, on how he brought an into a product. The product is a Note-taking Kit - a DTC office product. Here are my takes on the successful launch of the kit.

  • Do thorough research through precision seeking. The goal is to find, words that resonate with the market. For SaaS, understanding the copy that goes into the product landing page can build or break the launch.

  • When developing the messaging of the product, answer; WHAT, HOW, and WHO in detail.

And when thinking about launching new product ideas, this product design process will come in handy;

3. Loomly, Tally, Upekkha

Upekkah; 108 ways to get into $1m ARR

Rajan Maruthavanan of Upekkha shared insights on scaling to $1m ARR after working with over 100 SaaS founders under his accelerator.

My key takeaways from the presentation include;

  • Constantly testing your pricing and increasing it.

  • Be very deliberate about startup positioning

  • Purpose to solve a high-value problem ($1000+ ACV)

Loomly: Hitting 7k customers with $4m ARR

I wrote a post on how Loomly did it - taking up incumbents like Buffer and Hootsuite.

Tally: Scaling from $0 to $50k MRR with a team of 2.

I wrote about Tally previously in my LinkedIn posts, when they were doing only $20k MRR. However, with the recent presentation from Marie Martens has some insights on getting your first 100 users.

Marie shared that they got their first users through cold outreach. They scrapped a list of users from Product Hunt who had used similar tools and upvoted on the platform and then reached out to them.

Another insight worth noting is, that Tally is free, not freemium. Users can create forms without even creating an account and share them with others. However, there is a Tally .co watermark that generates brand awareness.

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Thanks for reading!

God’s speed.
